Women and Men, the heart of our company

Constant training and quality of work are the foundations on which we organize our activities.

Each individual who works in CNM becomes the architect of our shared idea of development. Concept, design, construction: three concepts that always have a single point of reference: the person.

Common values

Act together with common values:


Safety & Environmental sustainability

Attention to customer



HR strategy

In order to contribute to CNM Vision, 4 HR priorities:

Develop competences

Connect values chain

Retain to build

Inspire to be attractive

Job offers

Do you wish to join us? Please submit your application.

For any other positions, anyway you can adress your CV to

Professional Equality Index

The Professional Equality Index cannot be calculated for 2024. Only the indicators in the table could be measured.

The Chantier Naval de Marseille remains committed to professional equality and incorporates this principle of equal treatment into its HR policy.

Nombre de points maximum de l'indicateur calculable Nombre de points obtenus
1- Ecart de rémunération (en %) Incalculable
2- Ecart de taux d'augmentations individuelles (en % ou en nombre équivalent de salariés) 35 25
3- % de salariés ayant bénéficié d'une augmentation dans l'année suivant leur retour de congé maternité 15 15
4- Nb de salariés du sexe sous-représenté parmi les 10 plus hautes rémunérations 10 5
Total des indicateurs calculables 60 45
INDEX (sur 100 points) Incalculable


Envoyez-nous votre curriculum vitae

Please note that sending your curriculum vitae you confirm the accuracy of the information provided, declare to have read the privacy policy and consent to the processing of the data provided in line with the GDPR 679/2016 EU (General Data Protection Regulation).

In any case, you are advised not to send specific personal data.

Index Equity Retribution 2021: Incalculable.



Chantier Naval de Marseille

Terre Plein de Mourepiane - Porte 4 CS 40034
13344 Marseille Cedex 15
: +33 (0) 484 894452