Join the women and men
at the heart of our company.
Constant training and quality of work are the foundations on which we organize our activities.
Each individual who works in CNM becomes the architect of our shared idea of development. Concept, design, construction: three concepts that always have a single point of reference: the person.
Act together with common values:
Safety & Environmental sustainability
Attention to customer
In order to contribute to CNM Vision, 4 HR priorities:
Develop competences
Connect values chain
Retain to build
Inspire to be attractive
Do you wish to join us? Please submit your application.
For any other positions, anyway you can adress your CV to
Headquarters: Terre Plein de Mourepiane - Porte 4 CS 40034 - 13344 Marseille Cedex 15
Fiscal Code: 14521974493
VAT Nb: FR14521974493
Siret: 52197449300020
Legal form: Société par Actions Simplifiée
Share capital: - 5.200.000,00 euro
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For any further information please contact our main office.
Chantier Naval de Marseille
Terre Plein de Mourepiane - Porte 4 CS 40034
13344 Marseille Cedex 15 - FRANCE
Direct Line: +33491580982